
Fenwal 35-725205-015 Microprocessor-Based Direct Spark Ignition Control 120VAC

Fenwal 35-725205-015 Microprocessor-Based Direct Spark Ignition Control 120VAC
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Fenwal 35-725205-015 Microprocessor-Based Direct Spark Ignition Control 120VAC

Fenwal 35-725205-015 Microprocessor-Based Direct Spark Ignition Control 120VAC

SKU: 35-725205-015
Tariff HS Code: 8534000095
Rating: (1)
Quantity Price Stock
Usually Ships 1-2 Weeks
$181.69     /ea

The 35-72 is a 120 VAC direct spark ignition (DSI) control designed for use in all types of gas-fired appliances. The control uses a microprocessor circuit to provide precise, repeatable timing and operating sequences.


•Safe start with DETECT-A-FLAME® flame sensing technology
•Custom pre-purge and inter-purge timings
•Single or three trials for ignition
•Local or remote flame sensing
•Thermostat/Power off reset
•Open board with standoffs or potted


•Commercial cooking
•Infrared burners
•Construction and agriculture heaters
•Other gas-fired appliances

Agency Certifications

• Recognized under the UL component program, UL 372. Software certified to ANSI/UL 1998. UL File MH8817
• Design Certified to ANSI Z21.20, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 199-M89
Type of Gases Natural, LP and Manufactured
Flame Failure Response Time 0.8 seconds maximum
Flame Sense Current 1.0 Microamp Minimum
Flame Sense Voltage 45% of Line Voltage
Operating Temperature -40°F to +175°F, -40°C to +80°C
Gas Valve Rating 1.5A @ 120 VAC
Input Power 102 to 138 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Input Current Drain 50mA @ 120 VAC, 60 Hz
Spark Rate Line Frequency (50/60 Hz)
Moisture Resistance Conformal coated to operate to 95% R.H. Potted to operate up to 100% R.H.

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Series 35-72 Tech Sheet

By Feras

from Palos Heights IL

Yes, I would recommend this product to a friend or co-worker

5.0 Fenwal ignition

Worked perfectly

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